Physicists Rewrite Quantum Laws – New Ideas Could Revolutionize Physics

Abstract Quantum Energy Physics Radiant Circles Mandalas

A team of physicists at Trinity College Dublin has developed new theorems in quantum mechanics that improve the understanding of energy fields in quantum particles. Their research, which enables more accurate simulations, has the potential to advance green technology properties. Physicists at Trinity College Dublin have advanced quantum mechanics, enabling better simulations and potential advances … Read more

3 Big Ideas from the PYMNTS Visa SMBTV Series

3 Big Ideas from the PYMNTS Visa SMBTV Series

In the digital marketplace, the seamless nature of eCommerce transactions hides a complex web of systems designed to ensure a seamless customer experience. While customers enjoy a seamless experience – from receiving notifications about products to completing the purchase in a few clicks – this convenience is the result of advanced technology and the careful … Read more