Entrepreneur who wanted to merge celebrities, social media and crypto faces fraud charges

Entrepreneur who wanted to merge celebrities, social media and crypto faces fraud charges

NEW YORK – A California entrepreneur who wanted to culturally merge bitcoin and social media by allowing people to bet on the future popularity of celebrities and influencers has been arrested on fraud charges. Nader Al-Naji, 32, was arrested in Los Angeles on Saturday on wire fraud charges against him in New York, and civil … Read more

Entrepreneur who wanted to merge celebrities, social media and crypto faces fraud charges

Entrepreneur who wanted to merge celebrities, social media and crypto faces fraud charges

NEW YORK — A California businessman who wanted to merge bitcoin culture with social media by allowing people to bet on the future popularity of celebrities and influencers has been arrested on fraud charges. Nader Al-Naji, 32, was arrested in Los Angeles on Saturday on wire fraud charges against him in New York, and civil … Read more